Tassos , Timo & Sandro

We are a group of apolitical young climate activists. We have not always been climate activists, but when we discovered in late 2018 in our dormitory in Maastricht thanks to the Yellow Vests that aviation fuel is still not taxed in the EU, we decided to take action for climate and social justice. We therefore launched the Fairosene European Citizens’ Initiative that called on the European Commission to propose the introduction of an EU-wide aviation fuel taxation.

For our first campaign, we won the prize of citizens lobbyists of the year 2019 and now that the European Commission committed itself to proposing to review the jet fuel tax exemption, we change targets and now engage with EU finance ministries to urge them to start taxing kerosene multilaterally from 2021.

Fairosene is not only the three of us. It’s all the activists that helped during the campaign! Thanks a lot to Hendrik, Valentina, Diogo, Nikos, Martina, Mariano, Jakob… who campaigned with us and everyone who shared the petition!


  • META: Fueling sustainability by taxing aviation fuel
  • ECAS: From a student dorm to the priorities of the European Green Deal: the incredible story of a young climate activists’ initiative to tax jet fuel in the EU
  • Euractiv: EU citizens insist jet fuel must be taxed
  • Brave New Europe: Is this the turning point for aviation’s tax haven?
  • The Rift: For or against a jet fuel tax in the EU?
  • We Demain: Avion moins cher que le train : une pétition européenne pour taxer le kérosène
  • Positivr: Transport et écologie : pour un rétablissement de la taxe sur le kérosène
  • Libération: Billets d’avion : quelle place pour une taxe verte ?
  • Večer: Letalski promet in podnebna kriza: Bolje nočni vlak kot kratek polet



  • RCF: Fairosène, la démocratie au service du climat!